Addendum for Locked-In Registered Plans

Please select the Addendum form suited for your plan and region.

Plan Type


LIF (Life Income Fund)

Alberta (Download PDF)
British Columbia (Download PDF 222.3K)
Federal (Download PDF)
Manitoba (Download PDF)
New Brunswick (Download PDF)
Newfoundland and Labrador (Download PDF)
Nova Scotia (Download PDF)
Ontario (Download PDF)
Quebec (Download PDF)

LIRA (Locked-In Retirement Account)

Alberta (Download PDF)
British Columbia (Download PDF 223.8K)
Manitoba (Download PDF)
New Brunswick (Download PDF)
Newfoundland and Labrador (Download PDF)
Nova Scotia (Download PDF)
Ontario (Download PDF)
Quebec (Download PDF)
Saskatchewan (Download PDF)

LRSP (Locked-In RSP)

Federal (Download PDF)

PRIF (Prescribed RIF)

Manitoba (Download PDF)
Saskatchewan (Download PDF)


Federal (Download PDF)


Newfoundland and Labrador (Download PDF)


Federal (Download PDF)